Calling All Artists
The UCSF Alliance Health Project is hosting its 28th annual Art Auction on September 14, 2024. Artists are encouraged to submit early to ensure a spot. The deadline for submissions to the jury is June 1, 2024. Artists will be notified of acceptance following each jury. We will include nstructions for delivery to 1855 Folsom Street, the AHP admin offices. Delivery can happen week days any time. For questions, please contact us at [email protected].
Art for AIDS Submission Guidelines:
To ensure artists successfully submit their artwork, please review the following guidelines and instructions carefully.
- Please only submit gallery-quality, hang-ready pieces to the jury.
- Submissions may not be reproductions or photographs of work originally created and sold in another medium
- Total square inches cannot exceed 42 x 42.
- Each piece must have a minimum retail value of $500.
- Art valued at or above $5,000 must be independently appraised and documentation provided.
- We will accept one submission per artist.
- The Art for AIDS jury reserves the right to determine the opening bid unless notified otherwise by the artist or donor.
- If you do not live in the Bay Area, please contact [email protected] for additional assistance.
Note: Art for AIDS is a juried auction benefiting the UCSF Alliance Health Project (Tax ID Number: 94-603649).
Make A Difference
Our Submission Form
Our submission form has been intentionally crafted to provide the information required to display your work in the best possible light on our auction platform. Please review the instructions below to see how the information you provide will be used to advertise your artwork during the auction.
The quality of the image you provide us is paramount to the jury’s evaluation of your submission. Requirements include:
- High resolution (min 300 pixels per square inch)
- Minimum Dimensions 300 pixels by 300 pixels
- File name using the format: artistLastName.submissionTitle.2023
Please send a digital image of your submission to [email protected]
Painting (2)
20" x 16" (3)
Signature on the back (4)
Oil on canvas (5)
Retail Price: $675 (6)
Submission Details
The details of your submission are used to describe your piece on our virtual auction platform. Please take extra time to carefully collect as accurate details of your piece as possible.
1. Submission Title
2. Art Medium
3. Dimensions
4. Signature Location
5. Description
6. Value
Steve Javiel
Steve Javiel is an artist living and working in Oakland. The strong presence of color in his work is a representation of community. Also, color brings him joy and it always brightens his day. It’s a reminder that better days are ahead. This new series is an attempt to spread the positive energy that he holds inside himself. As he looks at these new pieces, he can see his growth and confidence as an artist. Javiel’s process often begins with photographs of flowers that he distorts and strips of detail while maintaining their floral essence. Simultaneously, he breaks down their color and composition in his head. While painting he utilizes a variety of tools, ranging from different-sized brushes and stencils to oil pastels. As he works with oil pastels, the unconscious takes over. Layers upon layers are applied until the surfaces take on a life of their own.
Artist Details
The most prominent benefit for artists accepted into our auction is exposure to our deep network of art collectors and enthusiasts. We ask that you update your Artist Statement, keeping to a paragraph or two, and giving the viewer a glimpse of what you’re up to these days.
One Minute Video
We highly encourage you to provide a one-minute video of you holding and describing your piece. This places your work in context for both our jury and prospective buyers, which has shown in the past to make a difference in interest and sales.
Ready To Submit?