How can we help? Send us a message at [email protected] or call us at 415-476-3902 to get in touch.
Alliance Health Project - Service Center
1930 Market Street, San Francisco, CA 94102 | 415-476-3902
Our Alliance Health Project - Service Center serves as a community hub for a majority of AHP's services. These services include HIV, STI, and COVID testing, crisis and triage services, support groups and wellness workshops, substance use counseling, and case management services.
Alliance Health Project - Administrative Office
1855 Folsom Street, Suite 670, San Francisco, CA 94143 | 415-476-6440
The Alliance Health Project's Administration Office is located at the UCSF Mission Center. The Administration Office provides support and administrative services for AHP, and serves as a base for AHP's Training team, and AHP's HR and Communications and Development departments.
Other Important Contacts:
If you have a donation or fundraising inquiry, contact Communications and Development Manager Aziza Jackson at [email protected].
If you have a website-related comment or question, contact Communication and Development Specialist Kim Silva at [email protected].
If you have media-related inquiries, email [email protected].
For Art for AIDS-related inquiries, email [email protected].
For a directory of all UCSF employees, visit
You can learn more about AHP’s parent institutions by consulting their websites: UCSF and Department of Psychiatry.